Chronic Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

The chronic prostatitis is the most common inflammatory disease of the organ the male sexual system. He is surprised, and the young men and men in the age of. The statistics say that at 80 years old, 8 of every 10 men will know that it is chronic prostatitis, of your own experience.

What is prostatitis chronic

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. More often for its emergence do not lead treated on time, infection of the urinary system. A catalyst for the development of the inflammation may be hypothermia, lack of physical activity, decrease of the immunity due to other diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of bad habits, constant fatigue and stress.

The peak incidence is observed in 20 to 40 years — the most active of the age. However, the identification of the disease can be difficult — the symptoms of prostatitis often masquerade as other diseases and vice versa — diseases of other organs can give a clinical picture similar to that of prostatitis.

Normal prostate and a lot of

Distinguish acute bacterial prostate and chronic prostatitis . The first type is infrequent — no more than 5% of all cases. 95% is chronic prostatitis, which is rarely a consequence of the acute form of the disease. Often, chronic prostatitis is the main.

To help
The prostate gland is involved in the maintenance of a correct pH of the urinary tract and of the viability of the sperm, protects the urogenital system infections.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The first sign of development of prostatitis is the appearance of discomfort and also the pain or cutting pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Sometimes the pain occurs in the thigh or in the back, and often worsens after ejaculation.

Is developing very quickly, and sexual dysfunction — low libido, erection problems and the duration of the sexual relationship. And finally, the pain begins to accompany each urination.

If you notice the same similar symptoms, in any case, do not self-determine the prostatitis you have or else the disease, the doctor can only.

Symptoms of laboratory testing for chronic prostatitis

The diagnosis is made not only on the basis of the patient's complaints in order to identify the prostatitis, laboratory tests are needed. In particular, the analysis of the urine, ejaculation, and the secret of the prostate. In addition to, often, go by the TIES of study for the determination of the size and shape of the prostate.

In the bacterial prostatitis is detected by the erythrocytes in the microscopic examination of the secretion of the gland, is characterized by the presence of and. coli, enterobacteriaceae, clostridium, or other microorganisms in the ejaculate. In nonbacterial prostatitis laboratory tests indicate the presence of leukocytes in the secret of the breast and in the third portion of the urine.

Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis

As a general rule, the prostatitis is treated successfully with conservative methods. But the therapy must be comprehensive. In addition, it is recommended to check the style of life — a poorly balanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle and messy sex really play an important role in the development of chronic prostatitis.

Medications to the

Medical therapy has several goals — are assigned to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory, as well as medicines that control regenerating and immunomodulating function of the cells in the body. Probably, the treatment of the chronic prostatitis will require to do the course of treatment with antibiotics. The course continues for around six months, sometimes requires multiple approaches. To prevent the occurrence of disbakterioza prescribe the medications.

Prostate massage

The prostate massage is done manually through the anus. Is not the most pleasant procedure, however, its effectiveness is very high.

Physiotherapy procedures

The treatment of chronic prostatitis heat physical therapy gives good results through the improvement of the microcirculation and absorption of the drug into the tissue. Physical therapy procedures include ultrasonography is warming up and watering the antibacterial solution with the help of enemas.

The balneotherapy

In many health centers are cured with success the chronic prostatitis techniques of balneotherapy, that is to say, with the help of mineral waters. For the treatment of patients of prostatitis is normally assigned weak-mineralized water as in the interior, as in the form of baths. There are No known resorts, where to cure prostatitis.

Diet therapy

You start to follow a special diet you must have already with the first symptoms of prostatitis. In the first place, that we should give up on alcoholic beverages, as well as the ethyl alcohol annoying of the ducts of the prostate, increasing the pain and the inflammation. You should also limit the acceptance of the fat from the meat, to exclude the formation of cholesterol from platelets and a further deterioration of the circulation of the blood. Are prohibited, legumes, mushrooms, offal, salty food and the excitement of the kitchen, tea and coffee, soft drinks, plus pastries.

The diet as the chronic prostatitis should include rich in zinc products (found in fish and seeds of the pumpkin). It is recommended to eat more vegetables (except those that contribute to the gas — for example, cauliflower), dairy products, cereals and dried fruits.

It should be understood that the diet when chronic prostatitis is not a temporary measure. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, the principles of a correct food you must consistently follow, otherwise, relapse is inevitable.

The surgical intervention

The operation of the prostatitis are appointed infrequently. The risk of complications and failure of the treatments, as well as the relatively long period of rehabilitation outweigh the benefits that it can bring surgery. Therefore, the operation in this case is an extreme measure. Bariatric surgery is indicated only in those cases in which the conservative treatment does not give the effect, and also in the states urgent — abscess of the prostate, the abscesses adjacent tissues, lack of urinating, the presence of stones in the kidneys and in the bladder, the prostatic hyperplasia or of suspicion of oncology.

The basic methods of surgery treatment of prostatitis are:

  • prostatectomy — the complete removal of the prostate;
  • prostate resection — removal of part of the breast;
  • circumcisio — radial cut all of the foreskin for the prevention of the development of prostatitis and the treatment of its chronic forms;
  • the drainage of the abscess, in order to release it purulent content.

The treatment of prostatitis takes many months, and does not always lead to a full recovery. If you are diagnosed with chronic prostatitis", get ready for what will have to change the style of life, otherwise, the therapy would have no meaning. Without a doubt, the prevention of prostatitis is much easier than treatment. To avoid the development of this disease, always use the barrier means of prevention, try as much as possible to move (prostatitis is a disease of the sedentary life-style), stick to the correct diet and prevent hypothermia.